School Award system
The Positive Behaviour and Discipline Policy encompasses all that happens within the school to reward positive behaviours and consequences for negative behaviours. The policy is designed to encourage and provide individual students with positive recognition of achievement in their school life. The intent of the system is to encourage each of the students to do his or her personal best with the ultimate aim for each child to seek intrinsic rewards for their own behaviours. It includes:
Promoting Positive Student Behaviour
Individual Class Systems
Teachers develop and use reinforcement systems suited to the needs of the individual students and designed to maximise the unique qualities of each class. Teachers use a large variety of reinforcements, including:
- Verbal praise
- Stickers
- Individual and Champion Chart
- Sharing achievements with other teachers, students and the Principal
SGBPS Dragon Awards
The attainment of 10 champion points leads to the presentation of an SGBPS Dragon Award, presented in the classroom. Students can move up the Champion Chart for being:
· Responsible
· On Task
· Active Learners
· Respectful
· Safe
A bonus champion point will be awarded at the end of each week if a student has had 100% attendance and no recorded behaviour entries in the week.
A student who is away representing the school and behaves positively will be awarded a champion point for that day.
SGBPS Class Merit Awards
Class Merit Awards are awarded in recognition of an achievement or appropriate behaviour in the classroom or in the playground. Class Merit Awards are presented at the school assembly each fortnight. Class Merit Awards equate to a Dragon Award and can be used to attain a SGBPS Bronze, Silver or Gold Award. (Sport carnival certificates and end of year Class Presentation Day certificates are not included in the merit system)
(Parents/carers of students receiving a Merit Award at an assembly are contacted via Seesaw so they can attend the assembly) Photos are placed in the school Newsletter.
Assembly Merit Awards – fortnightly as the term calendar allows
3 class teacher awards – K-2
4 class teacher awards – Yrs 3-6
2 RFF awards per teacher K-2 & Yrs 3-6
Merit Awards can be awarded for but not limited to:
Improvement in academic work High achievement in academic work Effort in academic work Improvement in specific behaviours
Appropriate Behaviour
Positive ROARS behaviours
Good communication with members of the school community
Good citizenship
Active participation in an activity
Completing a test to the best of the student’s ability Cooperation in group work
Helping within and around the school
Displaying tidiness
Care of personal/school property
SGBPS Bronze Dragon Award
The attainment of five SGBPS Dragon Awards and /or Merit Awards leads to the presentation of a SGBPS Bronze Dragon Award by the Principal at an assembly. Dragon Awards may be withheld until the following Stage assembly if a student has had negative behaviour entries recorded or is currently on a Behavior Monitoring Card.
SGBPS Silver Dragon Award
The attainment of five SGBPS Dragon awards and /or Merit Awards after receiving a SGBPS Bronze Dragon Award leads to the presentation of a SGBPS Silver Dragon Award by the Principal at an assembly. Dragon Awards may be withheld until the following Stage assembly if a student has had negative behaviour entries recorded or is currently on a Behavior Monitoring Card.
SGBPS Gold Dragon Award
The attainment of five SGBPS Dragon awards and /or Merit Awards after receiving a SGBPS Silver Dragon Award leads to the presentation of a SGBPS Gold Dragon Award by the Principal at an assembly. Dragon Awards may be withheld until the following Stage assembly if a student has had negative behaviour entries recorded or is currently on a Behavior Monitoring Card.
SGBPS Diamond Dragon Award – Year 6 ONLY
Year 6 nominations are to go to the SGBPS Executive team for the attainment of a SGBPS Diamond Dragon Award and will be awarded to Yr 6 students who have achieved a SGBPS GOLD Dragon Award and have performed at an outstanding level in all areas inside and outside the classroom, over the years at our school. This award is presented by the Principal at assemblies in Term 4.
SGBPS Principal’s Award and Principal’s Special Event
The attainment of five SGBPS Dragon Awards and/or Merit Awards after receiving a SGBPS Gold Dragon Award leads to the presentation of a SGBPS Principal’s Award at the last Dragon Award Assembly of the year and an invitation to attend a Principal’s Special Event hosted by the Principal and the Executive during Term 4. The SGBPS Principal’s Award and/or an invitation to attend the special event may be withheld if a student has had negative behaviour entries recorded or is currently on a Behaviour Monitoring Card.
Implementation Guidelines for the Award System
1. Staff consistency is essential in implementing this policy. Staff are to ensure that:
· They are fully aware of the system
· They are consistent in the implementation of the agreed criteria
· They maintain accurate records of Merit Awards presented
· Regular discussion between teachers to maximise consistency across the school
· Each term supervisors will audit their Stage’s recording sheets.
2. Students who receive a house point will automatically move up one spot on their class Champion Chart.
3. Students may achieve champion a maximum of up to 3 times in one day.
4. Designated House Captains will complete the tallying of house points.
5. Teachers will record when a student has achieved five Dragon/Merit Awards and progressed to a Bronze, Silver or Gold Award. Bronze, Silver and Gold Dragon Awards will be presented to the student at the appropriate assembly.
6. Teachers are responsible for checking that their students have had no negative recorded entries or are currently on a Behaviour Monitoring Card prior to notifying the office of student’s progression.
7. A record of SGBPS Bronze, Silver, Gold and Diamond Awards issued from the office will be maintained.
8. Students must be on Bronze level to attend end of Year Merit Celebrations and on Silver level to participate in Dragon Sports outside of the school.
9. LaST and Scripture award house points only.
10. SGBPS Merit Program begins on Term 1 Day 1 and concludes on the Tuesday before the last specified assembly for that year.
House Points – ROARS (Free and Frequents)
Through the implementation of the house points system the school acknowledges students for demonstrating positive behaviour and achievement reflecting the school ROARS values and rules, both in and out of the classroom.
How the system will work:
· All members of school staff - teaching and non-teaching – will have a supply of house point cards, each worth one house point – printed in the 4 house colours, containing the respective house logo and the ROARS logo.
· Students who receive a house point will automatically move up one spot on their class Champion Chart.
· These can be awarded for good work, good behaviour, sporting, musical achievement, helpfulness, etc. as staff see fit, but complying with the agreed principles outlined below.
· Children will post their house point card/s into the class box.
· Each week (Friday morning) designated House Captains will collect the house point tallies from each class and record class totals for each house on the weekly record sheets.
· The winning house, i.e. the one whose members have received the most house points during the week, will be announced at the Monday morning assembly. The house that has had the most weekly wins for the term will receive a reward at the end of each term.
· At the end of the year, the house with the most points (inclusive of all sports carnivals) – will be deemed the champion house for that year and the SGBPS Champion House Shield will be awarded to the House Captains at the Yr3-6 Presentation Day Assembly.
What can house points be awarded for?
Academic achievement - 1, 2 or 3 house points
Behavioural achievement- 1, 2 or 3 house points
Sporting achievement - 1, 2 or 3 house points
Musical / Dramatic achievement - 1, 2 or 3 house points Extra-curricular achievement - 1, 2 or 3 house points
Meeting personal targets - 1, 2 or 3 house points
Special achievements - 4 house points or, in exceptional circumstances, 5 house points
A bonus champion point each week = 100% attendance and no recorded behaviour entries in the week. A champion point = student who is away representing the school and behaves positively for that day.
10 champion points = SGBPS Dragon Award
5 SGBPS Dragon Awards and /or Merit Awards = SGBPS Bronze Dragon Award
5 SGBPS Dragon Awards and /or Merit Awards, and a SGBPS Bronze Dragon Award = SGBPS Silver Dragon Award
5 SGBPS Dragon Awards and /or Merit Awards, and a SGBPS Silver Dragon Award = SGBPS Gold Dragon Award
5 or more SGBPS Dragon Awards and /or Merit Awards, and a SGBPS Gold Dragon Award = SGBPS Principal’s Award and an invitation to a Principal’s Special Event
Yr 6 can be nominated for a SGBPS Diamond Dragon Award and Badge by Yr 6 class teachers
Positive Postcards
KidsMatter positive postcards celebrate students’ positive behaviours that support and promote the well-being of others with parents and carers. All teachers will use the reverse side of the postcard to write a special note to parents and carers to recognise these positive well-being behaviours of students. These positive postcards will be a surprise to parents as they will be mailed home throughout the year. Not all children may receive a positive postcard mailed home as each class has a limited number of postcards and these do not replace the school merit award system they are special addition celebrating students supporting each other.